Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lady Arydath Sadiel

Name: Arydath Fedurin
Born: March 6, 1135, Sarona, Dovia
Parents: Cordieth Fedurin (deceased) and Hilla Stevick
Siblings: Argon Fedurin (deceased)
Spouse: Halford Diarn (married July 16, 1154, Sarona, Dovia; deceased), Tarien Sadiel (married January 30, 1173, Tetran, Naroni)
Children: Lyraina Diarn, Cordieth Diarn, Hilla Diarn, Medur Diarn, Celina Diarn, Feoda Diarn, Riona Sadiel, Searle Sadiel, Koradril Sadiel
View Family

Occupation: Midwife
Employer: Self

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'6"

First appearance: "In Which Halford Names and Is Named a Pig" (March 1155)
First POV: "In Which Arydath Meets a Gypsy and a Nun" (January 1156)
Total appearances: 25 (ranked 24th)
Total POVs: 8 (ranked 25th)
All appearances

Ten Facts:

1. Despite having never been taught to read, Arydath has a talent for mathematics. Her mental arithmetic is phenomenal and her grasp of concepts, practically immediate.

2. Arydath doesn't think of herself as pretty and never has; nonetheless, she does believe herself to be aging well.

3. After four dark-eyed babies, she was secretly delighted when the twins got Halford's blue eyes.

4. Arydath's scarf was a gift from her father on her fifth birthday--her last birthday before he died. She was always careful to keep it in good condition; when she gave it to Tarien, she must have trusted that he would do the same, whatever she thought of him otherwise.

5. She can spit distances greater than her height.

6. The day after their wedding, Halford gave her daisies. When Halford died, she planted some daisies beside his grave. Father Quintus objected to this and had them removed. She planted more. The cycle has continued ever since.

7. In spite of her small size, Arydath has a high tolerance for alcohol.

8. She hopes that one of her daughters will follow in her footsteps and become a midwife, but she's given up on the elder two ever being interested.

9. She loves toffee and eats it whenever she can get her hands on it. One of the reasons she initially put up with Tarien? He gives her toffee.

10. Arydath insults everybody--people she likes, people she doesn't. If she has never insulted someone, then she is unaware of their existence.

Notable Quotes:

Arydath (after hearing Halford's suggestion of having more children): If you think I'm getting into bed with you when the memory of giving birth's this fresh in my head, think again. I'm not sleeping with you until I simply can't go another night without sex.
Halford: So tonight, then?
Arydath: Oh, Halford, you great stupid ox! I was thinking maybe tomorrow.
--from "In Which Arydath Meets a Gypsy and a Nun" (January 1156)

DNA/Custom Content:

Hair: Brown -- "Proud of Myself" by Almighty Hat ("Brisance"; Nouk/Pooklet textures, colors by Pooklet; mesh by Helga)
Recessive hair: Brown
Formal hair: Brown -- Curly Ponytail by Nouk
Eyes: Dazzling Eyes by LaPink (Black; site seems to have vanished)
Skin: Default S3 -- "Improved" Modified Louis skins with hair by Jwilson5 ("Dark tan")

Previously worn hairs:
HelgaSims #71 (Brown; with scarf) -- Arydath's hair prior to August 1171
HelgaSims #76 (Brown; can't find link anywhere) -- Arydath's hair prior to June 1178

Formal: Sherahbim's Mourning Gown in Aelia's Actions by Meshy (Light teal; colors by Aelia, textures by sherahbim; mesh by iamliz13)
Pajamas: Simple shift undies by Alex ("The Dark Project" -- The Guild Masters)
Underwear: Same as pajamas
Swimwear: Same as pajamas
Athletic: Same as everyday
Outerwear: ByzCourt1 by Kate
Maternity: Medieval dress 3 by SimDreams (mesh by Kate)
Formal maternity: My recolor of the Camelot Gown by sherahbim (mesh by GARA; put through BodyShop by Ann)

Previously worn outfits:
Outfit 02j by GARA -- Arydath's everyday outfit prior to April 1172
BrownRen1 by HappyMoonBelly (mesh by Kate) -- Arydath's formal outfit prior to January 1173

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