Saturday, November 14, 2009

Xetrica of Armion

Name: Xetrica "Xeta" Mokonri
Born: May 9, 1157, Armion, Naroni
Parents: Dalston Mokonri (deceased) and Celina Ysettra
Siblings: Lornian Mokonri, Abrich Mokonri, Wondrona Mokonri, Farilon Mokonri (deceased), Searle Sadiel (half-brother), Riona Sadiel (half-sister), Mernolt Sadiel (half-brother), Eldona Sadiel (half-sister)
Spouse: Jadin Kemorin (married December 14, 1172, Veldora, Naroni)
Children: Eilyssa Kemorin, Dalston Kemorin, Severin Kemorin
View Family

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7"

First appearance: "In Which Celina's Joy Holds a Sorrow" (May 1157)
First POV: "In Which Xeta Is Promised a Poem" (February 1169)
Total appearances: 20 (ranked 35th)
Total POVs: 4 (unranked)
All appearances

Ten Facts:

1. Xeta's favorite scent is honey. Cinnamon is a close second. She doesn't care for tea unless both of these things are mixed into it.

2. She has a secret weakness for pastries, but to her great relief, she has a good metabolism.

3. Of her full siblings, Xeta is the only one who got their father's blue eyes. She is often told this, but wonders if it might have been more poetically right if the blue eyes had gone to one of her brothers.

4. Though she has to admit that the poems Jadin writes her are not exactly great literature, she treasures every one of them. She keeps them in her jewelry box.

5. Xeta has read almost every book in both her brother's and her father-in-law's castles--some of them more than once.

6. She snores--loudly.

7. So far, Xeta hopes that most of her children get Jadin's eyes--and his freckles.

8. She loves her sister Rona, but she does find her silly and annoying sometimes. Living in separate shires has done wonders for their relationship.

9. In her childhood, Xeta was an ace with a slingshot.

10. She privately hopes she'll have more girls than boys.

Notable Quotes:

DNA/Custom Content:

Hair: Brown -- Peggy 061214 Recolors by Meshy ("Brisance"; colors by Pooklet, textures by Peggy; mesh by Peggy)
Recessive hair: Blond
Formal hair: Brown -- "Glass Casket" by Almighty Hat ("Brisance"; textures and colors by Pooklet; mesh by Nouk)
Pajama hair: Brown -- "It's Tidy" by Almighty Hat ("Safety Fuse"; colors by Pooklet; textures and mesh by Nouk)
Athletic hair: Brown -- Peggy #2487
Eyes: Project Zodiac by me ("Ophiuchus"; Yumedust/Anva textures; run through BodyShop by Wawa)
Skin: Default S1 -- "Improved" Modified Louis skins with hair by Jwilson5 ("Medium")

Previously worn hairs:

Peggy #248 (also found at PMBD) -- Xeta's formal hair prior to December 1179

Outfit: Maiden Gown recolor by Lothere (Blue; textures by sherahbim; mesh by Lord Dragonstone)
Formal: "The Earth Stood Still" by me ("Sky"; textures by Sherahbim; mesh by Kate)
Pajamas: Female Medieval Sleepwear by zoej (mesh by Kate)
Maternity: "The Shauna" by adienaynay (Blue; textures by sherahbim; mesh by iamliz13)

Previously worn outfits:
Medieval Dress 2 by zoej (Red; mesh by tiggerypum) -- Xeta's outfit as a child
Mirkwood TFMed01 (mesh by 2-f0r-u) -- Xeta's outfit as a teen prior to December 1172
Kirtle by Lothere (Blue; textures by sherahbim; mesh by kalynn06) -- Xeta's outfit as a teen
"Another fancy dress" by Lothere (Red; textures by Sim-Ages; mesh by kalynn06) -- Xeta's formal outfit as a teen
Teen Girl Medieval Collection by zoej (Outfit 1; Red; mesh by Kate) -- Xeta's athletic outfit as a teen
Medieval Gown Mesh #060610 by NeptuneSuzy (Light blue) -- Xeta's formal outfit prior to December 1179

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