Name: Ietrin Minara
Born: March 12, 1158, Bandera, Dovia
Parents: Karlspan Minara (deceased) and Laralita Sadiel
Siblings: Searle Minara, Elhina Minara (deceased), Riona Jamoran (half-sister), Ramona Jamoran (half-sister), Farilon Jamoran (half-brother), Conant Jamoran (half-brother), Lileina Jamoran (half-sister), Oswald Jamoran (half-brother), Marsden Jamoran (half-brother)
Occupation: Knight
Employer: Oswald Jamoran
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"
First appearance: "In Which Mona Is Drained" (April 1174)
First POV: N/A
Total appearances: 4 (unranked)
Total POVs: 0 (unranked)
1. In spite of their differences, Ietrin is very close to his brother Searle.
2. He is curious about their mother. He writes her often and spent much of his time at the Naroni Royal Wedding following after her.
3. Past the point when he became a knight, he still lived with his formerly-ailing brother in order to assist with his various duties. In the event of Searle's death, Ietrin would have acted as regent until his nephew Karlspan was old enough to rule the shire on his own.
4. He plays the lyre and occasionally composes.
5. He doesn't care much for his stepfather, but he holds his tongue.
6. Unlike most of his peers, Ietrin went to his wedding bed a virgin; he was just too much of a romantic to pursue a sexual relationship if it couldn't become anything more.
Notable Quotes:
DNA/Custom Content:
Hair: Blond -- "Stand With Me, Boys" by Almighty Hat ("Incendiary"; colors and textures by Pooklet; mesh by Rose)
Recessive hair: Blond
Eyes: Project Zodiac by me ("Cancer"; Yumedust/Anva textures; run through BodyShop by Wawa)
Recessive eyes: Project Zodiac by me ("Scorpio"; Yumedust/Anva textures; run through BodyShop by Wawa)
Skin: Pixie Dream by Enayla
Previously worn hairs:
Rose donation 0071-1 (also found at PMBD) -- Ietrin's hair prior to May 1178
Outfit: Male Medieval Clothing 2 by zoej (Red; mesh by tiggerypum)
Pajamas: Male Swimwear/Underwear by tiggerypum ("A Midsimmer Night's Dream" -- Magick Modders)
Underwear: Same as pajamas
Swimwear: Same as pajamas
Athletic: Tyrian Uncrested Tunic by Almighty Hat (textures by zoej; mesh by tiggerypum)
Previously worn outfits:
"Male Teen Page" by All About Style -- Ietrin's outfit as a teen
Male Medieval Clothing 2 by zoej (Red; mesh by tiggerypum) -- Ietrin's formal outfit as a teen
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