Saturday, October 8, 2011

Princess Ramona of Naroni

Name: Ramona "Mona" Jamoran
Born: July 11, 1164, Ambrin-Naroni, Naroni
Siblings: Searle Minara (half-brother), Ietrin Jamoran (half-brother), Learianna Jamoran (half-sister), Camaline Jamoran (half-sister), Ietrin Minara (half-brother), Elhina Minara (half-sister; deceased), Riona Jamoran, Farilon Jamoran, Conant Jamoran, Lileina Jamoran, Oswald Jamoran, Marsden Jamoran

Title: Princess of Naroni
Reign: 1164 -

Hair: Blond
Eyes: Teal
Height: 5'4"

First appearance: "In Which Roderick Cannot Understand" (February 1165)
First POV: "In Which Mona Is Drained" (April 1174)
Total appearances: 19 (ranked 38th)
Total POVs: 11 (ranked 16th)

Five Facts:

1. Ever since she was a little girl, Mona has longed to visit the sea.

2. Her mother assigns her weekly stitching projects. She makes Anna do them for her.

3. Although she tries not to emulate her parents, she does have a weakness for money.

4. For all its prominence in her childhood home, Mona finds stained glass impractical.

5. Her parents make a point of calling Mona by her full name, despite knowing that she doesn't care for it. They hope that she will eventually grow into it.

Notable Quotes:

DNA/Custom Content:

Hair: Blond -- "Softhearted" by Almighty Hat ("Volatile"; textures and colors by Pooklet; mesh by Newsea)
Recessive hair: Blond
Formal hair: Blond -- "Dance at the Fair" by Almighty Hat ("Volatile"; textures and colors by Pooklet; mesh by Newsea)
Pajama hair: Blond -- "It's Tidy, Redux" by Almighty Hat ("Volatile"; textures and colors by Pooklet; mesh by Nouk)
Outerwear hair: Blond -- "Lady in Waiting" by Almighty Hat ("Volatile"; textures by FantasyRogue, colors by Pooklet; mesh by FantasyRogue)
Eyes: Project Zodiac by me ("Scorpio"; Yumedust/Anva textues; run through BodyShop by Wawa)

Previously worn hairs:
Peggy #4022 (Blond) -- Mona's hair as a toddler (also found at PMBD)

Outfit: Layered Medieval Dresses by iamliz13 (Style 2; Brown; mesh by tiggerypum)
Formal: "Wherefore" by Andavri ("Fussy"; mesh by mio0331)
Pajamas: Female Medieval Sleepwear by zoej (mesh by Kate)
Outerwear: Medieval Outerwear for Teen Female by iamliz13 (Outfit 2; Purple; mesh by Kate)

Previously worn outfits:
Mirkwood Toddler Ex 1 (mesh by Simscorner) -- Mona's everyday outfit as a toddler
Girls' Medieval Collection by zoej (Style 1; Purple; mesh by tiggerypum) -- Mona's as a child
Velvet Gowns for Teen Girls by iamliz13 (Style 3; Purple; mesh by Kate) -- Mona's outfit as a teen prior to December 1178
Fancy dress by Lothere (Purple; textures by sherahbim; mesh by kalynn06) -- Mona's formal outfit as a teen prior to December 1179
TF Empire Gown by Lothere (Purple; textures by child_of_air; mesh by Berg) -- Mona's outerwear as a teen prior to December 1178

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