Thursday, November 19, 2009

Queen Laralita of Naroni

Name: Laralita Sadiel
Born: April 14, 1133, Valcria, Dovia
Parents: Searle Sadiel and Riona Callcevern
Siblings: Koradril Sadiel (deceased), Cladelia Sadiel, Ovrean Sadiel, Meraleene Sadiel, Tarien Sadiel, Renata Sadiel, Vulcran Sadiel, Marsden Sadiel, Alina Sadiel (deceased)
Spouses: Karlspan Minara (married June 22, 1150, Bandera, Dovia; deceased), Roderick Jamoran (married June 25, 1159, Ambrin-Naroni, Naroni)
Children: Searle Minara, Ietrin Minara, Elhina Minara (deceased), Riona Jamoran, Ramona Jamoran, Farilon Jamoran, Conant Jamoran, Lileina Jamoran, Oswald Jamoran, Marsden Jamoran
View Family

Title: Countess of Bandera
Reign: 1150 - 1158
Predecessor: Camaline Mokonri
Successor: Surenica Jamoran

Title: Queen of Naroni
Reign: 1159 -
Predecessor: Geneva Minara
Successor: Jedaline Tamrion (heir)

Hair: Blond
Eyes: Teal
Height: 5'7"

First appearance: "In Which Alina's Niece Is Given a Choice" (January 1157)
First POV: "In Which Laralita Experiences the Height of Flattery" (January 1159)
Total appearances: 20 (ranked 35th)
Total POVs: 6 (ranked 41st)
All appearances


1. Laralita doesn't think that Roderick's family colors are her best colors. Nonetheless, she does believe that her worst colors look better on her than many others' bests look on them.

Notable Quotes:

DNA/Custom Content:

Hair: Blond -- "A Little Dated" by Almighty Hat ("Incendiary"; colors by Pooklet, textures by Peggy and Pooklet; mesh by Peggy)
Recessive hair: Blond
Pajama hair: Blond -- Side Braid by Nouk (couldn't find original link; link leads to bluesoup's backups)
Outerwear hair: Blond -- Braided Buns by Fantasyrogue ("Incendiary"; colors by Pooklet)
Eyes: Mirkwood Set 2 (Green)
Recessive eyes: Mirkwood Set 2 (Teal)

Previously worn hairs:
? (Blond; it's a Helga hair, but I can't find it anywhere) -- Laralita's hair prior to June 1159
? (Blond; again, Helga hair, but I can't find it anywhere) -- Laralita's pajama hair prior to May 1174
Donna Ponytail by Nouk (Blond; couldn't find find original link; link leads to bluesoup's backups) -- Laralita's hair prior to June 1178
Peggy Hair #683 (Blond; also found at PMBD) -- Laralita's formal hair prior to June 1178

Outfit: "Royal Gown" by Sherahbim (mesh by iamliz13)
Formal: Sim-Ages' "Royal Princess Dress" (Purple) -- dead site; link leads to booty
Pajamas: Sim-Ages' "Nightdress" (Purple) -- dead site; link leads to booty
Underwear: Simple shift undies by Alex ("The Dark Project" -- The Guild Masters)
Swimwear: Same as underwear
Athletic: Medieval dress 2 by zoej (White)
Maternity: Rose clothes 19 (Pink)

Previously worn outfits:
Mirkwood AF Ex 3 -- Laralita's outfit prior to June 1159
Maiden Gown Recolor by Lothere (Gold; textures by sherahbim; mesh by Lord Dragonstone) -- Laralita's maternity outfit prior to June 1159
Sim-Ages' "Medieval Fantasy" (Purple) -- dead site; link leads to booty -- Laralita's outfit prior to June 1178

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