Sunday, December 5, 2010

Earl Searle of Bandera

Name: Searle Minara
Born: April 28, 1154, Bandera, Dovia
Parents: Karlspan Minara (deceased) and Laralita Sadiel
Siblings: Ietrin Minara, Elhina Minara (deceased), Riona Jamoran (half-sister), Ramona Jamoran (half-sister), Farilon Jamoran (half-brother), Conant Jamoran (half-brother), Lileina Jamoran (half-sister), Oswald Jamoran (half-brother), Marsden Jamoran (half-brother)
Spouse: Surenica Jamoran (married April 28, 1170, Bandera, Dovia)
Children: Karlspan Minara, Athalia Minara
View Family

Title: Earl of Bandera
Reign: 1158 -
Predecessor: Karlspan Minara
Successor: Karlspan Minara (heir)

Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"

First appearance: "In Which Elhina Is Called Upon" (February 1171)
First POV: "In Which Searle Sees the Color" (February 1171)
Total appearances: 18 (ranked 43rd)
Total POVs: 4 (unranked)
All appearances

Ten Facts:

1. Searle used to enjoy sitting in front of fires late at night, but after his health began to decline, he stopped, dismissing it as a waste of the little time he had. He started up again after he recovered.

2. He never reads his mother's letters. He keeps them in a wooden box in the back of one of his drawers. More than once, he's taken them out to burn them, but he's never been able to take that last step.

3. Ren is three years older than he is and as a result, she occasionally coddles him. He secretly relishes this.

4. Searle is very close to his younger brother Ietrin. He has also become attached to his sister Elhina upon meeting her, and the two frequently write.

5. He finds Eilyssa attractive and briefly considered having an affair with her before handing her over to Deian, but he realized that he loves Ren too much to do that to her.

6. Searle's uncle Koradril and his first wife Eldona were the closest thing he had to parents growing up. He was devastated by Eldona's death and still sees Koradril and his children often; however, he was not fond of Koradril's second wife, Svanhild.

7. He has an incredible discomfort concerning pigs. He refuses to eat pork, ham, and bacon, and prefers to avoid any place where he might encounter a pig if he can help it.

8. Apart from his immediate family and the uncle and cousins he grew up with, Searle has very few friends. He is a prime example of a brilliant mind with an incredible lack of social skills.

9. He is highly claustrophobic.

10. Searle never lies; he finds misleading ways to tell the truth.

Notable Quotes:

DNA/Custom Content:

Hair: Blond -- "Born to be Hanged" by Almighty Hat ("Incendiary"; textures by Pooklet and Ja, colors by Pooklet; mesh by Peggy)
Recessive hair: Blond
Pajama hair: Blond -- XMSims #29 (Sandy blond)
Eyes: Project Zodiac by me ("Cancer"; Yumedust/Anva textures; run through BodyShop by Wawa)
Recessive eyes: Project Zodiac by me ("Pisces"; Yumedust/Anva textures; run through BodyShop by Wawa)
Skin: Default S1 -- "Improved" Modified Louis skins with hair by Jwilson5 ("Medium")

Previously worn hairs:
Peggy Male Hair #560 (Blond; also found at PMBD) -- Searle's hair prior to May 1178

Outfit: Male Medieval Clothing 2 by zoej (Blue; mesh by tiggerypum)
Formal: Medieval alpha tunic by iamliz13 (Style 3; Purple; mesh by tiggerypum)
Pajamas: Male Swimwear/Underwear by tiggerypum ("A Midsimmer Night's Dream" -- Magick Modders)
Underwear: Same as pajamas
Swimwear: Same as pajamas
Athletic: Tyrian Crested Tunic by Almighty Hat (textures by zoej; mesh by tiggerypum)
Outerwear: Robe by Lothere (mesh by Besen)

Previously worn outfits:
Teen tunic by Lothere (Maroon; textures by All About Style) -- Searle's everyday outfit as a teen

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